Cost Control
Your rates have been negotiated to provide you with an opportunity to take advantage of the best combination of price and service available, maximizing savings and enhancing the customer experience . Any number of variables can exist on a per shipment basis that makes can make it difficult to optimize the opportunity to do that.
The Amark Logistics TMS takes the guess work out of your cost prior to shipping and your Proprietary Order System or Shipping manager is provided with all the information available for all carrier resources in seconds to assist in making an educated decision.
Our Freight bill payment and auditing services can help your company more easily track and examine where and how your dollars are being spent and ensure you are paying the correct fees for the services you need and/or contracted for.
In addition to catching errors, our freight bill payment and auditing services can save you significant labor and other internal costs. Because it is and has been what we do since 1962 we can process and manage invoices much less expensively due to simple economies of scale. Considering today's challenging business environment, these types of savings can go a long way.